mandag 24. desember 2012

Påsken varer helt til jul?

Ja, i alle fall her på bloggen min ser det ut for, for den har ligget brakk siden i våres.
Stort og smått har skjedd, i alle fall har det vært travle dager, men jeg kunne ikke være bekjent av å ha en påskekylling på forsiden lengre.
Så her er et lite glimt av årets juletre:

Vi på Hilltop House ønsker alle en riktig god jul og et strålende nytt år!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Nydelig nettside du har. Jeg blir imponert. Besøk nettsiden min, som jeg tar for meg en del om tapet Du må fortsette ditt nydelige arbeid =)

Blogger sa...

Did you realize there is a 12 word phrase you can communicate to your crush... that will trigger deep emotions of love and impulsive attraction for you buried inside his heart?

That's because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that fuels a man's instinct to love, treasure and guard you with all his heart...

===> 12 Words That Trigger A Man's Desire Response

This instinct is so built-in to a man's brain that it will drive him to try better than before to take care of you.

Matter of fact, fueling this all-powerful instinct is so important to achieving the best possible relationship with your man that the moment you send your man one of these "Secret Signals"...

...You will immediately notice him open his mind and soul to you in such a way he never experienced before and he'll recognize you as the only woman in the galaxy who has ever truly interested him.